17 April 2011

Roommates 101: A Refresher Course

For those of you that don't live with me, this is going to be a refresher course on who lives with me and Joel.

This, for one, is where I live.

This is Kelley, she is the roommate who has lived in the house longest aside from Joel and I.

This is Kyle, she moved in in March. Someday I will get a genuinely good photo of her.

This is me with one of Kyle's cats, Jackson, who happens to not be a.) photogenic and b.) hates flash almost as much as I do.

And this is Ryan who moved in in April. Again, not the most flattering photo. Someday.

Tonight we had family dinner. This is a meal that is set aside for all of us to talk and break bread together. Sometimes with five people's schedules it is hard to keep track of everyone and stay in touch. This is our way of getting together and having time together as a community. Sometimes it involves discussing house issues, sometimes it is just a way to catch up, but mostly its just a time to be real with each other.

For dinner this evening we had a make-your-own salad dinner. Kelley and I bought salad greens at the farmers market yesterday (red lettuce, mizuna, spinach and beet tops) and then told everyone to bring two salad toppings. Toppings included: pickled beets, bacon, a variety of nuts, boiled eggs, feta, carne asada, and pumpkin seeds. Kelley made a fruit salad which was amazing. As someone who primarily tries to eat fruits in season and close to home (localvore/locavore) I miss out on eating all kinds of things that a lot of people take for granted (mangoes, out of season strawberries, etc) so it was fun to eat something out of the ordinary. And, easily enough it was also totally paleo. Ryan can't eat gluten so it worked well for him too.

Speaking of greens and farmers markets, this is what our (mine and Joel's) haul looked like this week.

The apples in the back are Honeycrisp apples and I believe they are from the fall but good heavens are they delicious and crisp. They are a delicious treat.

And because I am so very serious about stuffed quesadillas, here is a step-by-step quesadilla stuffed with farmers market veggies. In this particular quesadilla: spinach with cheese, bacon and an egg.

Step 1: Gather your ingredients (seen without the bacon)

Step 2: Fry anything that ought to be fried before it goes inside (eggs, bacon, chard, ham, etc.)

Step 3: Pile your quesadilla in a pleasing fashion. Generally you want your cheese (or cheese-like product for vegans) to be on the outside so that it melts and acts like a glue. You could also totally do this without bacon, eggs or cheese (chard, onions and garlic? yum!)

Step 4: Grill that baby until it is the golden brown of perfection.

Okay, I'll really leave it be... This is the last time I'll speak of stuffed quesadillas.

Now for something completely different: The garden!

Kyle and I worked in the garden today, pulling weeds and doing general upkeep of the house and garden. I de-mossed the side of the house and Kyle did a number on the dandelions in the front yard. Oh yes, and the part I forgot to mention: it was *sunny* today!

I cleaned the herb bed, weeded and thinned it.

And this is what I planted yesterday.

These little guys are the chard we bought at the farmers market last week. After I planted them in big pots they look a lot happier than they did.

This is a quince that Brian brought home from a friend last summer and I planted. There are buds that are looking good. There is a good chance that there will be fruit on this young tree this year. It was rumored to have fruited before in its old home.

What is a quince? Well, it is a fruit in the apple family that is very tart and good for making fruit pectin with for jams and jellies. I think they are also good to cook with for general pie and tart making but I don't quite know the extent of a quince's usefulness.

And that about does it, however I wanted to share this photo before going.

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