I have started the first step in my WWOOFing process. Last week (or perhaps it was two weeks ago?) I signed up to be a WWOOFer ( http://www.wwoof.org ). And this week I've started the process of emailing the farms I'm interested in. The farm that I am the most interested in says this:
Vegetable and herb farm, located on an island in a coastal fjord / archipelago area, 50km north of Bergen. The area is part of a cultural heritage landscape, with beautiful heathlands; lots of sheep and open sky in all directions. We grow vegetables and herbs for sale at Farmer's Market and restaurants, we gather wild food and we have a flock of happy, free-walking inbred hens. We also have 100 sheep of ancient "viking" breed, but these are only tended twice a year. We love good food. Most meals are vegetarian, occasionally meat from our farm or fish that we catch ourselves. Evenings are spent reading, making music, painting, handicrafts... No TV, lots of internet:) Except for that, we try to live as ecologically and self-sufficient as possible.
In a coastal fjord -- can it get any better?? I am really hoping I will be able to go over there starting in the months of January - March. I don't have any idea as to how long I will be there and if I will actually be able to go there as early as I am hoping to. We'll see!